The rules found here have been designed to improve upon those found in the Kill Team Compendium, and are meant to maintain a generalist army feel while allowing more freedom when forming the composition of the kill team through new operatives, abilities, equipment and tac ops.

These are NOT OFFICIAL in any capacity and are entirely intended for personal use in casual games.

Grey Knights

The Emperor’s finest daemon hunters

What’s new:
• Brotherhood Ancient, Apothecary, Chaplain and Tech Marine specialist operatives.
• Purgator operative with retooled weapons replaces the Grey Knight Gunner operative.
• Servitor operatives as a chaff option
• Additional Psychic power: Purge Soul
• Equipment to assist with maneuverability.

Kroot Carnivores

Lithe, agile and savage warriors

What’s new:
• Hunter, Tracker, Handler and Stalker specialist operatives.
• Reworked Kroot Shaper operative.
• New Ability: Spoils of the Hunt
• Reworked and additional equipment for more varied loadouts.