For Geeks By Geeks


For Geeks By Geeks is THE place for geeks to go to geek out. Whether you’re a creator, a cosplayer, a hobbyist, or just a fan of geek culture in general, there is a space for you in the For Geeks By Geeks community.

Every Monday co-hosts Boser and T host a “Geek Out Session” on Twitch, sharing and elevating another creator's passions and projects. They also host their own original content throughout the week, including playthroughs of tabletop games such as City Of Mists and miniature painting sessions with T, but the main focus of their platform is to help build and grow a community they love being a part of.

"I hope creators are encouraged to keep geeking out and pursuing their passions by recognizing that there is a growing family behind them, cheering them on. I hope they know they can be honest about the struggles in their journey and share the weight of them with all of us."

In the absolute chaos of the internet, between finding the right platform and battling against its ever changing algorithm, it's a refreshing break to have creators like For Geeks By Geeks bring creators of any size to the forefront in a fun and organic way.

“For creators, we want to offer ourselves as a platform to discuss their journey, geek out over their craft, and be encouraged by our community who is ready to support both small and large creators who are working from a good heart.”

For Geeks By Geeks co-creators Boser (left) and T (right)

For Geeks By Geeks have demonstrated perfectly one of the best parts of why we all do this; Our love of our hobby. Whether it's painting miniatures, building incredible costumes, or writing silly songs to avoid doing either of those, it's always nice to sit down for a moment and really talk about what we love.

“The goal of FGBG is to be THE place where geeks come to geek out. On stream, we are meeting with people across a variety of content areas to both geek out over what they do while, at the same time, using them as inspiration for our community, inspiring them to also pursue their passion and geek out loud. Off stream we are using our discord and social media as a safe space for people to connect with like-minded individuals and showcase their own forms of geeking out.”

Click on the link below to check out their website and other socials, if you are a creator of any kind, consider reaching out to them to feature on a future Geek Out Session!

For Geek By Geeks